Thursday, May 13, 2010

Donnie Darko

"Donnie Darko" is a film about a troubled young teen who has visions of a large, scary bunny rabbit that manipulates him to commit all sorts of horrible crimes after the rabbit saves him from a strange accident. "Donnie Darko" stars Jake Gyllenhaal as the title role, his sister Maggie Gyllenhaal who also plays his sister Elizabeth in the film (even though I personally don't think they look alike at all) Jena Malone, Drew Barrymore and Patrick Swayze. "Donnie Darko" is a unique tale of a troubled teen's journey through time.
I love this movie. This is the type of film that you can't just watch once. It's definitely a movie that you need to pay attention to detail and understand or at least really think about what is happening. Jake Gyllenhaal is absolutely refreshing, he is funny, creepy and intriguing all rolled into one. I'm constantly fascinated by how he acts or reacts in certain scenes. Donnie is this troubled teenager who is always questioning everything and everyone, and although he suffers from emotional problems and may not always seem on the top of his game, he is brilliant.

Director Richard Kelly created this world and life that is really enjoyable to watch. Jake Gyllenhaal and Jena Malone have a very unique bond and their chemistry is interesting since they are both quite awkward and shy. Donnie's family is great, I love how they created a strong loving family in the movie because although Donnie is a little off emotionally his family relationship is strong. I don't want to say too much because you definitely have to watch this film before reading too much into it because it might ruin the movie.

I highly recommend this movie to people who enjoy looking outside the box, sci-fi lovers, and people who want to open their minds and hearts to something strange and out of the ordinary.

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