Saturday, June 12, 2010

Noises Off

The 1992 Peter Bogdanovich film, "Noises Off" is based off the hilarious play written by Michael Frayn. It's about a bunch of misfit actors striving to make it to Broadway in their play entitled "Nothing On." All the characters have drama and personal baggage and they perform night after night in different cities for months and each show is a riot. The film stars a lot of great actors such as Michael Caine, John Ritter, Christopher Reeve, Nicollette Sheridan, Marilu Henner and Carol Burnett.

As a person who loves to go to the theater and who has been on stage and behind stage numerous amounts of time, this film is so true and so real. Actors dating other actors or becoming romantically involved with more than one actor, others dealing with the depression that their big break hasn't come so they try to solve their problems and pain with drugs or alcohol. There is a lot of drama in the drama department!

"Noises Off" is funny and it stars so many incredible actors that even if you don't enjoy the plot of the movie I think you would enjoy the acting. The acting is really good and the physical comedy is incredible. There are some parts that drag and there are shows that they perform that are so bad that you feel like your watching a car crash but the magic that happens backstage is worth watching.

I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys theater, acting, fun goofy comedies and performances by the great Michael Caine, Carol Burnett and the late John Ritter and the late Christopher Reeve. If you have gotten the opportunity to see this film or the play please share your insight!